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Angel Wings, Unicorn, Rose, Dragon, Dolphin, Ascension, 5D
Alison Cooper

Return to love

Key Codes

When life presents challenges and changes, where do you turn? What actions do you take? Were you taught to persevere regardless? Continuing this path usually fosters coping mechanisms, perpetuating patterns and cycles in your life, and can eventually lead to dis-ease in the body.​

Beautiful Soul, I believe nothing happens by chance, so if you've discovered me, it's likely a sign you're curious about life and wellbeing. Maybe you're already on a Spiritual path but are ready to go deeper... but no matter, however you found me I welcome you. All of you.

           My name is Alison Cooper, also known as the Vibrationist. I'm all about spreading good vibes and wellness, but also promote deep authentic connections and help individual's embrace their true selves. My mission is to assist over 1111 people prioritise their wholeness in order to live their best self empowered life.

I invite you to take a moment to relax and enjoy the Self Love sound healing video below. If you're curious to learn about how I can assist You, then feel free to explore further. 

I'd be honoured to reconnect with you

Alison Cooper Sound and Energy Medicine. Quantum Trauma Therapy. Spiritual Mentor. Multidimensional Channelled Artwork. Light language. Mind, Body, Soul Healing and self empowerment. Helping you create and manifest your heart's desires.

Cosmic Ray

I really enjoyed my session with Alison and found it very helpful hearing the messages from the guides. 


I also received a throat chakra clearing from the Pleiadians to help me speak my truth.


All of the information resonated with me as spot on for where I am in my life now.


Energy Healing
Soul & Spirit Magazine
Spirit and destiny mag
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